If you want to experience the breath of adventure and see the highest inhabited village in BiH, feel the canyon
of Rakitnica and pass through the magical Crveni Klanac, you are in the right place. From Babin Do, to one of the oldest Bosnian villages and the highest settlement in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Umoljani, you will enjoy driving off-road through unreal areas hidden among mountain peaks.
Wild horses, herds of sheep, a shepherd’s dog, a shepherdess who knits, Treskavica in the distance, Herzegovina, mountain springs and a large number of fountains, katuns, and you will see all that on this tour. The depth of the Rakitnica canyon will leave anyone who visits Lukomir for the first time breathless, and every subsequent visit to Lukomir leaves a strong impression.

The second part of the tour takes us through Crven Klanac, from where we enter the area above the village of Umoljani, and a short visit to Studen Potok, whether in summer or winter, is magical. As the legend says, Aždaja passed through the stream and ended her life, petrified, in Umoljani. The prayer of the residents was answered. Lunch at Koliba by Muco, Umoljani (optional Javorov Do/Honey Walley)


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